Your Free Source for Service Manuals and Diagrams!

When looking for quality service manuals for brands like Whirlpool, Maytag, Samsung, LG, Amana, Sony, etc. or User Guides, trust only the leaders. We sell service manuals for almost every appliance and consumer electronics brand there is. We have been listing manuals since 2015 and stock the largest amount of service manuals in the World.

At, we boast of one of the world’s largest collection of service and owner manuals. Our database consists of more than 100,000 manuals for a million products and 1,000 brands.

Offers over 100,000 of Diagrams, Schematics, Datasheets, and Service Manuals all in PDF format. There are around 600 manufacturers available in a big list or you can simply search for what you want. Documents ranging from old appliances to consumer electronics are available.

Below is a link to each of the most popular brands we sell. For brands not listed, just go to the tap on the left or type your model in the Enter Model Number field.

Popular service manual brands:
Sony Consumer Electronics
Whirlpool Appliances
Samsung Consumer Electronics and Appliances
Kitchenaid Appliances
Maytag Appliances
Frigidaire Appliances
Panasonic Samsung Consumer Electronics and Appliances
Amana Appliances
Electrolux Appliances

Each manual contains detailed schematic diagrams, parts list, adjustment and other pertinent information that are delivered according to the manufacturers’ specifications.

So, simply enter the keywords in the search field and find what you are looking for!